Internet Bookings and Website

Eric Roca2 Comments

Every new initiative brings its share of challenges. The internet booking project is just the same. Since its launch some 3 weeks ago, I have noticed the same questions being asked regularly, so let me share the answers with everyone: => My log in does not work: Make sure you use the internet booking log-in, not the log-in to the … Read More

Course Maintenance, Coring

Eric RocaLeave a Comment

The coring of the front nine Greens will take place over the next 3 days. We shall do the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 9th today and dress (sand) the 1st and the 9th before the rain comes in tonight. Tomorrow, the Team will core the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th greens. The ground should be then sufficiently dry to … Read More